Corporate Solutions

Board members and nonprofit leaders are often passionate about the mission and vision of the organization.  The Nonprofit Skills® certificates help board members and nonprofit leaders take that vision and make it actionable with skills development in the most challenging, yet beneficial, subjects.

Nonprofit Skills® for Board Members

Board Fundamentals

Simply put, strong boards equal strong organizations. Your board members direct the funding and operations of your organization, and the decisions they make have an impact on public relations and the financial well-being of the nonprofit. Offering the members training in the top areas of responsibility is a proactive investment and important step towards ensuring the organization’s success.

Nonprofit Skills® for Leaders

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is often one of the most challenging practices for a nonprofit, and also one of the top areas that leaders would like to improve upon. Providing training ensures the team is on the same page regarding the process, making it a smoother, clearer and more rewarding task. 

Nonprofit Communications

In a survey conducted by Nonprofit Times in partnership with MindEdge, over half of the respondents said they wanted to improve or gain new communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively and clearly is a vital skill that each nonprofit team member needs to have. Making sure that each member of the organization is able to speak to multiple audiences well increases your entire team’s ability to adapt to and handle each situation as it arises.

Let us know how we can help solve your organization’s training needs.

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